How the Law of Attraction changed my life....

The Law of Attraction changed my life and I know that it can help you to change yours too. I have been a big believer of The Law of Attraction since a young age and it has helped me tremendously in low times. 2021 was one of the worst years of my life (and I'm sure other people's too). But for me, I suffered from a massive burnout, which impacted my mental health and resulted in me taking time off work from a Corporate company and a year off another business of mine.

During this time, I had to learn and think about what was really important to me and what genuinely makes me happy. Throughout this period, there was one thing that kept me going - The Law of Attraction and The Secret. I actively practiced the Law of Attraction by manifesting the life I wanted and visualised myself recovering, with a better and happier life.

I set myself goals, updated my journal regularly and sought therapy to help me get back on track again. After reflecting, I realised that I was able to tick off some of my goals that I had set for myself - the manifestation WORKED and I was amazed! 

I also came to the realisation that I am happiest when I am helping people, whether this is by giving some advice, providing a listening ear or helping them with a task. I have also been in the fortunate position to use my experience to help others who have gone through similar difficult times.

More recently, I made the decision to leave my Corporate career, so that I could focus on The LOA Box and pour my heart and soul into this business, which is where my passion truly lies.

I'm here to tell you that no matter what you are going through in life, things do get better! It's okay to have bad days and there will always be positive days ahead. Once we are able to shift our mindset, amazing things happen.

I’ve had so many obstacles in my life that I’ve had to overcome. Maybe you have too. But you’re stronger than you believe, powerful beyond your understanding and with the right help, you can achieve anything.

You have the power to change your life.

Ask. Believe. Receive.